I’m OG but you can call me Cam, Cameric, Onyx or C-Jay!
I'm an artist with the AuDHD combo meal, your local NPC and the bacon and tomatoes of the LGBT sandwich.
PFP: CrazedSmiles
Banner: @CheesyCap

Cameric @OnyxGalaria

Age 20, He/him

Digital Artist

Ontario, Canada

Joined on 12/12/20

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OGNGJ [OGs' NewGrounds Journal] #17

Posted by OnyxGalaria - July 14th, 2024

July 14th, 2024

Food Truck Frenzy [+ review]

This weekend was full of nice treats because I went to a local food truck festival! Food trucks for local grub spots in my city gathered 'round to sell their wares; there were even some live bands playing on stage! It was a BLAST, let me tell ya!

On Saturday, my stepmom was supposed to tag along, but her kiddos were being little devils, so she had to stay behind. I decided to go either way to try out some of the spots I've been eyeing and to get a feel for the place. Glad I did because I was just in time for an eating challenge!


I was tasked with eating 4 cookie wafers without water as fast as I can and with sheer will, I managed to beat my opponents! I won some hats, a shirt, a bunch of wafers and crackers and bragging rights as seen above!

Here's a quick review of the grub I got on Saturday!


First off, the mac n' cheese poutine from Cheese Headz, a Toronto based cheeseria food truck!

The mac was creamy and cheesy, just the way I like it! The fries were nice and salty and the gravy was flavourful!

The fries did get soggy after a bit, so I couldn't finish it all. Overall, 8/10!


Next, the Caramilk cheesecake on a stick from Heirloom, another Toronto based food truck!

I'm a sucker for cheesecake and my favourite chocolate growing up was Caramilk, so this hit all the right spots!

It was really sweet, though and I felt a little sick after eating it. Not good for trying to get their shit together health wise. It was a 7/10, worth the sugar crash.

Today, my stepmom was able to make it and brought her kiddos along! I missed them so much since I haven't seen them since Halloween! We all had a blast listening to live music and had some great food as well! I got to try a bit more, so buckle up!


First up, the watermelon smoothie from a fruit stand! It was served in half a watermelon and made fresh! Very flavourful and refreshing! It was hard to keep it standing on the table, but it held up nicely! Easy 9/10!

I had some sweet and sour chicken dumplings from feasTO with it and OMG. These were the BEST thing I've had all day! The sauce was tangy, the dumplings were packed with chicken and the pineapple added a nice touch!

Solid 10/10, definitely worth trying!


Next was a twisted potato from Twisted Ketchup and they killed it here!

They had flavored ketchup, so I tried their garlic flavor and it was decent! Didn't get a lot of garlic flavor, but it tasted good! I also got some sea salt and tex mex spice on it which paired nicely!

Another 8/10 from me!


Next up, some Birria tacos from Rebozos Taqueria!

The meat was tender, had lots of flavor and the dip was the perfect addition! It had raw onions and cilantro which I didn't mind too much, but I'm pretty sure I have the soap gene which makes it taste like dish soap. The kiddos seemed to like it, too, so it gets a 9/10!

And finally, some churros stuffed with dulce de leche from a Mexican street food truck that I forgot the name of.

The churros were crispy, fluffy and flavorful, just the way I like it! Like the cheesecake, it was a bit too sweet for my liking and will likely get another sugar crash.

Still, it gets a 7/10!

It was nice to be able to treat myself! Probably need to catch up on my daily walks and the like because I've been slacking since Artfight started. Speaking of which, we're nearing halftime and I'm still going strong while kicking ass on the battlefield!

How about a sparing match?




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